TitleBytes News & Happenings

Lansing Legislative Update February 2021

Feb 10, 2021

Craig Ryan, MLC Legislature kicks off the new year after a slower than normal post-election, end of year session A great deal has happened since our last update as the legislature wound down the 2019-2020 session and has now begun to ramp up the 2021-2022 term. The week before Christmas, the legislature passed a supplemental […]

MI Real Estate Forum – How cross industry collaboration evolved and flourished during the pandemic

Feb 10, 2021

To hear more about how cross industry collaboration has evolved and flourished during the pandemic – click here: https://vimeo.com/509905208

MLTA is Getting Social!

Feb 10, 2021

By Lisa Rozmarniewicz, Communications/PR Committee Chair The Association along with the Communications/PR Committee have some exciting news to share. Beginning in March, you will be able to find the MLTA on Facebook and Instagram! These two new accounts will join the LinkedIn account that already exists. Administration, content development and posting to these accounts will […]

MLTA Announces 2021 Sponsorship & Advertising Prospectus

Jan 7, 2021

The MLTA has posted available sponsorship & advertising opportunities for 2021!  We are so thankful to our past sponsors and advertisers and we hope to see them back this year! 2021 sponsorship advertising prostpectus

Why Say Something in a Few Words That Can Be Said In 10,000? – Allan G. Dick

Nov 16, 2020

By Jacquie Brink, SVP- Great Lakes Division, WFG National Title Insurance Company Vince Lombardi once said, “The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.” I believe Allan G. Dick felt there were no true words spoken. If you haven’t already heard, Allan will be officially retiring on December 31, 2020, which will mark […]

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