TitleBytes News & Happenings


May 26, 2020

The past several months have given each of us ample opportunity to demonstrate our individual and organizational resolve, agility and relevance to our peers, employees, customers and communities. Our MLTA Executive Director, Marcy Lay, board of directors and committee chairs have spent countless hours reassessing, rescheduling, and rebuilding MLTA events, to make certain we continue […]

MLTA and MARD: Working Together For YOU

May 26, 2020

By Tom Lico, MLTA President, and Allan Dick, MLTA Past-President One thing you learn while on the MLTA Board is that most Board decisions do not have an immediate impact. Most decisions that are made are analogous to planting seeds that will not bear fruit for years down the road. Several years ago, our Board […]

MLTA Summit 2020 in the Rear View Mirror

May 26, 2020

By Tom Lico, MLTA President The MLTA kicked off its second annual Spring Summit with what turned out to be inauspicious timing. Our Education and Summit Committees put together a fabulous agenda that was the perfect kick-off to what was gearing up to be a strong year for the housing market. Registration response was strong, […]

Close it Your Way!

May 26, 2020

By Lisa Rozmarniewicz, Capital Title Insurance Agency As title professionals, we are committed to the safety of our buyers and sellers as well as to our fellow employees. News and recommendations are evolving daily, but here are some measures that have been implemented by many companies that might be of interest for moving forward. As […]

COVID-19 Changes How You Sell Your Home – a May 7, 2020 Forbes article

May 26, 2020

Courtesy of Forbes and Gregg Nathanson, Esq., Couzens Lansky The COVID-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on Michigan’s economy. The real estate industry is not exempt. Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s March 23, 2020 Order Executive Order to “stay home, stay safe” made it impossible to conduct business as usual. The Governor’s more recent Executive Order 2020-70 issued […]

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