TitleBytes News & Happenings

Not JUST Another Boot Camp – It’s Escrow Time!

Aug 7, 2019

By Allan Dick, WFG National Title Insurance Company Just as 2013 opened a new era in MLTA Educational offerings with the first (Title 101) Boot Camp, this fall of 2019 – specifically, Wednesday, September 11, at the H Hotel in Midland , MI, the MLTA unveils its first ESCROW BOOT CAMP – the MLTA Escrow […]

Education, fun, comradery, comedians and the yellow brick road – Oh MY!! The MLTA 2019 Summer Convention Recap

Aug 7, 2019

By Debbie Wiley, NTP, CLTP, First American Title Insurance Company Another successful and fun filled MLTA Summer Convention in the history books. The 2019 version was held at the Grand Traverse Resort in Acme, Michigan. We were certainly blessed with some beautiful northern Michigan weather this year, and the only time we had rain and […]

Meet the President

Aug 7, 2019

By Lisa Rozmarniewicz, Director of Sales & Marketing, Capital Title Insurance Agency You know him as the guy that likes to laugh and inject humor into everyday life, including his public speaking. Tom Lico, President and COO of Capital Title Insurance Agency first began doing open mic nights at local comedy clubs after taking a […]

No Summer Session, but Plenty of Activity Behind the Scenes

Aug 7, 2019

By Cami Pendell, Michigan Legislative Consultants Although the legislature scheduled numerous Session days throughout the months of July and August, it has not yet formally met to take action on bills. It is expected that the earliest it will meet is the week of August 26th. However, just because Session hasn’t been taking place, that […]

More Technology Talk

Aug 7, 2019

By Ethan Powsner, Esq., VP of Technology and Market Development, Fidelity National Title Group Robocalls: Many of you receive phone calls on your smart phones where it appears that the phone call is originating from the United States or from within your home state. It didn’t take long for you to figure out that these […]

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