TitleBytes News & Happenings

Michigan Law Updates

Apr 7, 2019

Gregg A. Nathanson, Esq. In the waning hours of the last Michigan Legislative session of 2018, the State passed a flurry of new laws. In the last issue of TitleBytes, Bill Robinson provided an excellent summary of 2018 changes in Michigan real estate law. This article focuses on three of those changes and how title […]

MLTA Spring Summit – March 5-6, 2019

Jan 29, 2019

The MLTA is excited to announce the 2019 Spring Education Summit, to be held at the Crowne Plaza in Lansing, Michigan on March 5th and 6th, a two-day conference replacing the usual Spring Education Seminar. It will start at 1 pm the first day and end at 3 pm the second day. The 2019 Fall […]

The Practical Impact of Recent Michigan Legislation

Jan 29, 2019

By William L. Robinson, Jr. MLTA Legislative Steering Committee Chairman Much has been written about the recent “lame duck” legislative session in Lansing. One might incorrectly assume that our legislature only passes controversial laws and only does so when term limits are about to be effective. In reality, we’ve had a wide variety of new […]

Wrapping Up a Successful 2018 and Starting the New Year

Jan 29, 2019

By Cami Pendell, Michigan Legislative Consultants MLTA closed out 2018 with great success! On the last day of Session, the House passed SB 671 (clarification to the Marketable Title Act) and the Senate concurred in it. This bill was one of the last 10 bills to move during the 22-hour marathon Session. There were a […]

MLTA Membership Committee Update

Jan 29, 2019

Beccy Clennan, MLTA Membership Chair Hello and a big 2019 welcome from the MLTA Membership Committee! Hopefully, we are all seeing a great start to the year and looking forward to what lies ahead. 2018 was productive for our committee. The MLTA Board had challenged us to find a way to enhance and improve the […]

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