TitleBytes News & Happenings

Beware the Cyber-Jungle

Apr 4, 2017

Geoff Prichard, Title Express Navigating through communication in the Real Estate Industry can be a challenging experience. Constant emails, text, and calls from real estate agents, lenders, buyer’s, seller’s, and even other title companies can take up ones entire day, added to routine daily tasks. Sometimes the overwhelming communication can lead a person to overlook […]

ALTA Springboard 2017

Apr 4, 2017

ALTA Springboard— the new name for what was formerly ALTA Business Strategies. Springboard , this year in Fort Worth, Texas, offered a new interactive approach, sharing ideas, and collaborating with attendees from across the nation. ALTA CEO Michelle Korsmo opened Springboard by quoting Ms. Frizzle from the educational cartoon “The Magic School Bus” where viewers […]

The Demise of Dower in Michigan

Feb 28, 2017

By Phillip J. Neuman, Esq. Dower (the right of a woman to elect upon her husband’s death to take a life estate in 1/3 of any real property he owned in fee title during the marriage) has been around in Michigan in some form since at least 1846.  The issue of dower has generated countless […]


Feb 28, 2017

By Allan Dick, Editor This is the fourth edition of the revamped MLTA newsletter/BLOG, TitleBytes, replacing the two decade old Title Examiner. It will be issued more frequently (bi-monthly. at least for now), electronically, in a more abbreviated format – more concentrated on current developments and industry non-fake news and advisories, while still reporting on […]

MLTA closes out a successful 2015-16 Legislative Cycle and Looks Forward to the New 99th Legislature

Feb 28, 2017

By Cami Pendell, Michigan Legislative Consultants MLTA was able to end 2016 on a very positive note with the Legislature passing and the Governor signing legislation that eliminates dower in the state of Michigan.  The new laws will accomplish the following: Public Act 489’16 – Abolishes a wife’s dower right in both statute and at […]

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