TitleBytes News & Happenings


May 26, 2020

The past several months have given each of us ample opportunity to demonstrate our individual and organizational resolve, agility and relevance to our peers, employees, customers and communities. Our MLTA Executive Director, Marcy Lay, board of directors and committee chairs have spent countless hours reassessing, rescheduling, and rebuilding MLTA events, to make certain we continue to deliver timely and relevant value to our members.

Our focus has and will always be on supporting our member’s needs and objectives in normal and extraordinary times. It is with this goal in mind that we are announcing some exciting news about our newest Boot Camp and Summer Convention formats! As always, both of these MLTA events offer MLTA member attendees the benefit of learning or reinforcing core information and key concepts. In consideration of these extraordinary times, the MLTA is offering both events AT NO CHARGE, as a courtesy to our members. Please take advantage of these opportunities to learn from subject matter experts and industry leaders on topics such as:

From the Boot Camp “Title 101”:
• Introduction to Real Estate Title and Title Insurance and how Title Insurance Brings Value and Facilitates to Real Estate Transactions.
• The Basics of Real Estate Title and how that has evolved, and Understanding Legal Descriptions, the foundation for Title and Title Insurance
• County Real Estate Records; How Title is Held; and the Various Real Estate Documents.
• Title Commitments, various Title Insurance Policies and common Policy Endorsements
• The Real Estate Closing, and the Role and Function of the Escrow Closing Department
Registration is open – click here to register

From the Convention;
• Mastering The Digital Handshake: Doing Business in a Post-Pandemic World
• Emerging Technology Trends
• Creative Problem Solving
• Productive Conflict
• Michigan Real Estate Economy Update
• And More

We look forward to seeing you at both events! Be well and stay safe!

MLTA Board of Directors – Marcy Lay, Executive Director

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