TitleBytes News & Happenings

Questions Posed to the New MLTA President, Darlene Wilsey

Aug 24, 2020

By Cindy Immonen, NTP, CLTP Cindy:  How did you find your way into this industry and the MLTA? Darlene:  How I made it into this industry is a small part of my story.  WHY I have stayed in the title industry for 19 years, became interested and stayed involved in the MLTA is far more […]

The Stuff That Dreams Are Made of – well, maybe not

Aug 24, 2020

By Jacquie Brink, SVP- Great Lakes Division, WFG National Title Insurance Company Working remotely, the thing that many of us dreamed of, has become an unexpected reality.  For those of us that have commuted to an office for years, at some point we probably have wished we could just work from home.  The thought of […]

The Lansing Report

Aug 24, 2020

By Patti Tremblay, Michigan Legislative Consultants I have worked in politics in Lansing since the 1990s. In my experience, this summer was unlike most summers that end in an even number. That is not surprising considering everything is different during this time of COVID-19. However, it still shocked me a bit that as much work […]

MLTA Summer Convention Wrap Up

Aug 24, 2020

By Tom Lico, Capital Title 2020 continues to challenge all of us, personally and professionally, each and every day. It has forced us to be more creative, forced us to try new things, and has forced us to live and work differently. Needless to say, the MLTA Summer convention could not help but get caught […]

MLTA Education in Changing Times

Aug 24, 2020

By Allan Dick, WFG National Title Since at least the 1980’s, education – in the form of twice each year education seminars was a mainstay of the services provided by the MLTA to its membership.  Those seminars consisted of mostly title examination refreshers and new developments, with updated underwriting considerations and guidelines, reflective of changing […]

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